b'Australians LoveA N O U T D O O R K I T C H E N6 R E A S O N S W H Y Y O U S H O U L D C O N S I D E R F I R E C L AY F O R Y O U R O U T D O O R K I T C H E N S I N K1. DURABILITY made from a blend of clay and glaze that4. UV STABLE highly durable glazing, as the colour is is fired at high temperatures, resulting in a durable, non- sprayed onto the sink prior to it being fired at very high porous surface that can withstand the elements. Unlike othertemperatures (in excess of 1200C) in the kiln. This means materials, fireclay sinks do not rust, chip, or stain easily. Itthe colour is fused into the clay which makes it impossible to is highly scratch resistant, unlike other synthetic sinks in thethe UV to fade the finish on the sink. market which are known to stain and scratch easily. 5. ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY fireclay sinks are made 2. HEAT RESISTANCE they can handle hot pots and pansfrom natural materials and do not contain any harmful without sustaining damage. This makes them an ideal choicechemicals or toxins, making them an eco-friendly choice for for outdoor kitchens where grilling and cooking over an openhomeowners who are concerned about the environment.flame are common close to the sink.6. AESTHETICALLY PLEASING fireclay sinks come in 3. EASY TO CLEAN and maintain, thanks to their non- a range of styles and colours, making them a versatile porous surface. It also ensures the sink will not stain overchoice for any outdoor kitchen design. Available in inset/time and will not be stained by leaf tannins making them anundermount or butler/farmhouse style there is a fireclay sink ideal choice for outdoor use. to suit your space. 24 TURNER HASTINGS'